Pack O Game SET 3 brings trick-taking, horse racing, programming and ‘set connecting’ to our beloved gum-sized strategy micro card game series. SET 3 titles: WIN, YET, MAD, NUT, BOG, FAR, IRK, and SLY.
Each round, the Run cards advance 3 horses and players take turns performing an Action. After 3 horses finish the race, players add up their winnings to see who won the most cash.
In this race for time, players race their airships around a clock, capturing face-up Time Capsule cards for points at the end of the game. The player with the most points wins.
In this trick-taking game, winning a Trick isn’t always desired because each card has a ‘Science’ (+) and ‘Madness’ (-) side that could challenge the balance of players’ Score Piles.
Trick winners take an opponent’s card into one of their matching Score Piles - 2 suits of which are imbalanced from the start - with the goal to reduce each suit to 0. The lowest total score wins
In this nutty ‘set connecting’ game, players try to earn the most points by creating trees with Clusters of the same-color, orthogonally connected, nuts. Nuts are collected from communal columns and at the end of the game, players only count their highest valued nut Cluster in each of the six colors.
In this 2-player battle for the Bog, you’ll play Frogs from your hand and move them around on Lily Pads (playing area). Land on flies to draw more cards and on opposing Frogs to earn points. Complete Frog ‘Routes’ and score Frog ‘Formations’ for even more points. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!
Each player uses their royalty to rule land in an ever-growing kingdom. Rule just enough territory to earn points, as too much greed will cause a revolt and a loss of points. The player with the most points rules the kingdom!
Play cards and create connected clusters that match the colors you've played in your Scoring Pile. Block and disrupt opponents' patterns to tank their scores. Determine player majorities for each color/symbol then reward points based on Clusters in the Center Area. The player with the most points wins!
Players try to protect their Hens at the Hen House while also playing their Foxes to gobble up opponents' Hens. The player with the most points from Safe Hens, exposed enemy Foxes, and gobbled Hens will be the winner!